Building an Inclusive Community: Roblox's Approach to Safety and Moderation

Roblox, the popular online metaverse platform, has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of users worldwide. With its user-generated content and vibrant community, Roblox provides a space where creativity knows no bounds. However, maintaining a safe and inclusive environment is paramount. With the introduction of 17+ experiences — allowing for more ‘mature’ content on the platform for those with verified accounts — Roblox hope to age up the platform and introduce an older audience to the metaverse. We cover their comprehensive approach to safety and moderation, highlighting the measures they have taken to ensure an enjoyable experience for all users.

Content Moderation

Roblox understands the importance of filtering and moderating user-generated content to prevent inappropriate or harmful experiences. Their content moderation system employs a combination of automated algorithms and human moderators to review and filter content before it becomes accessible to the community. This proactive approach helps maintain a safe and family-friendly environment on the platform.

Reporting System

To empower users to contribute to the safety of the community, Roblox has implemented a robust reporting system. Users can report inappropriate content, behaviours, or suspicious activities they encounter while exploring the platform. The reports are carefully reviewed, and appropriate actions are taken to promptly address community guidelines violations. By encouraging users to be active participants in creating a safe environment, Roblox fosters a sense of responsibility and ownership among its users.

Account Security

Roblox places a strong emphasis on account security to protect its users' personal information and prevent unauthorized access. They offer features such as two-step verification and strong password requirements to ensure that user accounts remain secure. Regular security updates — such as the introduction of Security Keys — further strengthen the platform's defences against potential threats.

Safe Chat and Communication

Given the interactive nature of Roblox, maintaining safe communication channels is of utmost importance. To protect users, especially children, Roblox offers a chat filtering system that prevents the exchange of personal information or inappropriate language. This filter helps create a secure environment where users can interact and collaborate without compromising their safety. Developers are required to implement the same filtering technology when adding features that allow freeform text to be entered into their games.

Partnerships with External Organizations

Roblox recognizes the significance of collaborating with external organizations to enhance safety measures. They actively work with partners such as WeProtect Global Alliance, the Internet Watch Foundation, and other child safety organisations to receive expert guidance and insights. These partnerships enable Roblox to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in online safety, ultimately benefiting the entire community.

Education and Awareness

Roblox takes an active role in educating users and parents about online safety. They provide comprehensive resources, including articles, guides, and videos, that explain safety features, reporting tools, and tips for responsible online behaviour. By fostering awareness and knowledge, Roblox empowers its users to navigate the platform safely and make informed decisions.

A Safe Space

Creating an inclusive and safe community is a shared responsibility, and Roblox has made significant strides. Through their robust content moderation, reporting system, account security measures, safe chat features, and collaborations with external organizations, Roblox strives to provide an enjoyable and secure experience for users of all ages. By continuously improving its safety and moderation practices, Roblox sets an example for other platforms and reaffirms its commitment to building a vibrant and inclusive community.


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