Noctua Noctua

Building an Inclusive Community: Roblox's Approach to Safety and Moderation

Roblox, the popular online metaverse platform, has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of users worldwide. With its user-generated content and vibrant community, Roblox provides a space where creativity knows no bounds. However, maintaining a safe and inclusive environment is paramount. With the introduction of 17+ experiences — allowing for more ‘mature’ content on the platform for those with verified accounts — Roblox hope to age up the platform and introduce an older audience to the metaverse. We cover their comprehensive approach to safety and moderation, highlighting the measures they have taken to ensure an enjoyable experience for all users.

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Noctua Noctua

Why we chose Roblox over Unreal Engine for Fortnite (UEFN)

As the world of gaming evolves, players are increasingly looking for more immersive and creative experiences. Metaverse platforms are emerging as a solution to this demand, providing players with virtual worlds where they can explore, create, and interact with others. While it isn’t a new idea, in recent years, the concept of a metaverse has become increasingly popular. When it comes to choosing a platform to build on, there are several options available. In this blog post, we will explore why we chose Roblox as a creative metaverse platform over the new Unreal Engine for Fornite (UEFN), the latter of which recently received its first public release.

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Joe Joe

Into the Metaverse

The metaverse is an exciting and ever-evolving space, with new technologies and platforms emerging constantly. It's a place where people can come together, connect, and create new worlds and experiences. For many, it's not just a hobby or pastime, but a full-time career.

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